
From corporate trainer to Asia’s Happiness Coach, what does it take to succeed? How do you navigate the expectations of being a gifted child to earning 8k for an 8-hour workshop? Tune in as we interview the Happiness Coach, Jalvi Valdes.

Jalvi Valdes, an entrepreneur and certified happiness coach from Marikina, has a dream: to become Asia’s leading happiness coach. As a father of four and a former corporate trainer, Jalvi’s story is both inspiring and educational.

The Journey to Becoming a Happiness Coach

Jalvi started his freelance career with a passion for training. He and his wife managed a business, and he earned certifications in project management, conflict management, leadership, and communication. At first, Jalvi was invited to projects by a former boss. Later, he worked with various training organizations, leading games and seminars.

The Mindset Shift

One of Jalvi’s major achievements is his significant mindset shift. This change was influenced by The Freelance Movement Tribe and mentors like John Pagulayan and Coach Shoden. Jalvi moved from focusing on his qualifications to how he could help clients. This shift allowed him to raise his rates substantially. His proposals changed from long documents to short, client-focused offers. Clients began paying him rates that matched or exceeded entry-level monthly salaries for just one hour of work.

Creating Happy Leaders

Another highlight of Jalvi’s journey is his success in helping an organization create happy leaders. This success brought him professional satisfaction and allowed him to treat his family to a staycation. Being able to say, “This is on me,” and seeing his family’s happiness was a special moment in his career.

Advice for Aspiring Freelancers

For those looking to elevate their freelancing careers or start a side hustle, Jalvi offers three key pieces of advice:

  1. Join Supportive Communities: Communities like The Freelance Movement Tribe offer humility, generosity, and valuable learning opportunities.
  2. Invest in Yourself: Invest not just financially but also with time and effort to learn and grow.
  3. Practice Self-Love: Jalvi shares his struggles with depression and anxiety. He highlights the importance of seeking professional help and leaning on a supportive network of family and friends.


Jalvi’s journey from a corporate trainer to a happiness coach shows the power of a positive mindset, community support, continuous self-investment, and self-care. His story is an inspiration for freelancers and aspiring entrepreneurs. It demonstrates that personal and professional fulfillment is achievable with the right approach and support.