5 Important information on how social media and SEO work together

Social media and SEO work together

As we are in the information era, it is really ideal to take advantage of the technologies in improving our lives. May it be for financial, social or self-improvement reason. In early years of internet technology, blogging has become a great option to earn extra cash and connecting with people all around the globe. But as the years go by, a fairly short time indeed, blogging has evolved because of the rise of social media sites. This article will tackle things about how social media and SEO work together.

Blogging was then mostly dependent on SEO or search engine optimization. And connections between blogs made it even better. Since you can easily get audience, even if you are not yet ranking in search engines.

Some bloggers, especially those who blog for leisure only, lose interest in blogging and entirely shift to social media. Because of ease of use and interactivity. For others who blog for business and extra income, mostly are more concerned in SEO. Since they know SEO give their blog a huge number of visitors, without very less effort, like connecting and socializing with other bloggers or webmasters.

If you are looking to start or have been blogging, for any reason, you might want to look at these facts to take advantage of your blogs and social media. Here are 5 Important information on how social media and SEO work together in blogging


Most social media sites are patterned on how a blog works. You create an account, you post a blog, you share it to people, people will comment and you create conversations and build relationships. That is entirely the concept of social media sites and blogs. But, they are called microblogs, because social media get only the important assets of blogs and done some improvement.

Like, interactivity, real-time conversations, pictures and video commenting, the connections and others. You can do all this without the bulk of efforts to get it when you are blogging. But this took a large amount of opportunity for individuals to profit from their blogs. That is at least, if you want to make your blog a source of income. Socializing with blogs are more profitable than your accounts on your social media site. You don’t have the ability to take advantage of the power of SEO. So If you are blogging, take advantage of social media, but don’t neglect SEO, because both of them have advantages and disadvantages.


When you post an information or you found an interesting topic in social media, it is usually flooded by trending topics. If you want to look it up again, you would have to scroll back into and pass through irrelevant posts. But unlike the Google search, which is the best and the biggest search engine today, you can’t easily search back your information in your social media with ease.

This means to say, that if you put your information in your blog, chances are, it can still be searchable in search engine, especially if you have done proper SEO. Thus, this give you chance to profit from your information because of your visitors to your blog, a benefit, you cannot get from social media sites. So to take advantage of this, it is more effective to share in social media, but put it in your blog, so it will be still searchable and profitable because of SEO.


Back in the days, link exchange between blog owners takes time. Exchanging emails, coding links then checking for a link back. This is an ancient strategy that has been done by bloggers to rank in search engine. But since, Google has made changes in their algorithm, there have been limits in doing link exchange. It may penalize your blog, if you abuse this, that is you lose the chance to be seen in search engines.

But today, because of social media, you can easily save time and effort for connection with other bloggers. You can easily create connections with bloggers in your niche, and exchange links by guest blogging. Just be careful who you link to, as it may as I have said, create a negative effect on your search engine results.


Though, back in the days, backlinks or links from other blogs or websites help you rank in search engine. Today, search engines, particularly, Google, are looking into sites that are usually shared on social media, or those that are highly engaging that people would love to share it in their social media account.

This does not only mean Facebook as the social media, Google has its own social media, Google plus, so you better take advantage of this, because Google will simply love their own. Once you have a new blog post, make it a habit to share it to your social media accounts and let others share it to. This will make Google look at your blog or site and put importance on your posts and eventually list it on front page of the search results if not on the top.


As we have mentioned earlier, it is very easy to connect with social media. You can create relationships fast. But eventually you will be flooded under a surge of, sometimes, non-sense memes.

Real business relationships are made in your blogs. Because, in your own blog, you have your own identity. And you have the freedom to do what you want, and grab opportunities of gaining income. That is something you cannot do on social media. The thing is, take advantage of both worlds. Create relationships fast with your social media, but keep them and make them last in your blog with SEO.


Blogging can be something personal, but can still be profitable. Many are making income by just blogging about their interests. Though it can get really technical setting a blog, but in the end it will be worth it. But to take advantage of your blogging, you should use the power of social media. Yes, you would like posting status updates, and gathering more likes and shares and be yourself. If you want to have more financial opportunities, you would want to make social media and SEO work for you if you want to start blogging.  

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