Jozelle Tech – PWD Freelancer helps aspiring disable freelancers to get online jobs

Jozelle is a physically challenged individual but a very abled Personal Branding Studio Owner. She cannot standup, but she helps personal brands stand out and monetize their expertise by making them visible everywhere and radiate their brand’s uniqueness.

Jozelle has been exposed to online jobs and making money online right after she graduated from school. And eventually built her agency thru her YouTube channel.

Because of countless inquiries from her viewers about online jobs, she created a mini course which helped others learn and in the long run hired her students to cater more clients abroad.

Being physically challenged never stopped Jozelle from giving back her blessings to more people in need. She holds an annual event for the orphanage and disabled children called “Share your Joy”. This charity initiative has been running for 10 years and will be counting more because of the endless blessing she has been receiving.

Get to know more of Jozelle, her shares of struggles and success, a little about her personality and her tips for other aspiring agency owners.

Freelancer of the week
Freelancer of the week
Jozelle Tech - PWD Freelancer helps aspiring disable freelancers to get online jobs