Marc Allen – Introvert High-Ticket Coach shares his journey to a Stable Freelancing Business

Our Freelancer of The Week

“The No-Burnout High-Ticket Coach”

Marc Allen

Listen to his story on

Marc Allen is a Marketing Consultant and Coach helping entrepreneurs, agencies, and freelancers scale their businesses to 7-figures without burnout.

As a child, Marc was a silent introvert, very far from what he is now. He excels in sports and is friendly to a few selected people in his network.

He was attracted to doing business right after he graduated from college and got into sales. He tried a lot of things like real estate, financial advising, multi-level marketing, and many more. But he struggled in building that consistent income.

As he entered freelancing, he was able to achieve that consistent income he was aiming for in his previous endeavors.

His freelance business is going strong as a marketing consultant for a foreign company and his own agency and now helping other entrepreneurs, agency owners, and freelancers scale their businesses to 7-figures without burnout.

Listen to his story, his successes and struggles, a little about his personality and more about scaling a business to, 7-figures.

Full interview on

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Freelancer of the week
Freelancer of the week
Marc Allen - Introvert High-Ticket Coach shares his journey to a Stable Freelancing Business