Specialist Nurse and Educator now Vacation Rental Brand Strategist | FoTW

Forget the stethoscope and say hello to strategy sessions! CJ Cardano ‘s story is one for the books, proving that career shifts can be both fulfilling and lucrative. For years, CJ served as a dedicated specialist nurse, working abroad for a significant chunk of her career. But with a dream of settling back in the Philippines, she decided to hang up her scrubs and explore a new path: freelancing.

Planting the Seeds of Freelancing

While working in Egypt, CJ Cardano stumbled upon the exciting world of freelancing through Filipino YouTube channels. Inspired by these success stories, she took the plunge and purchased a freelancing course. However, life had other plans – the course would have to wait until she returned home to the Philippines.

From Course to Clients: Building a Vacation Rental Empire

Fast forward to today, and CJ’s journey has taken a remarkable turn. Together with her husband, they’ve built a thriving freelancing business as vacation rental brand strategists! By leveraging CJ’s insatiable curiosity and drive, they’re helping overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) unlock the profit potential of their properties back home. This has been their bread-and-butter business ever since they decided to come back to the Philippines.

CJ Cardano A Beacon of Hope for OFWs

CJ’s story is a beacon of hope for Filipino freelancers, particularly those in the OFW community. It demonstrates the power of lifelong learning and hard work. With the right skills and dedication, anyone can turn their passion into a successful freelancing business, just like CJ! So go forth, Pinoy freelancers, and be inspired to create your own freelancing success story!

Listen to more Freelance Stories on Freelancer of the Week

CJ Cardano was a Specialist Nurse who worked abroad for several years now built a thriving freelancing business as vacation rental brand strategists!