Former university personnel went from Zero to CEO thru Resume Writing and Linkedin Strategy | FoTW

Ever dreamt of ditching the 9-to-5 grind and becoming your own boss? Filipina freelancer Liselle Flipphi did just that, and her story is one filled with grit, growth, and a whole lot of #adulting lessons. Buckle up, freshies, because we’re taking a deep dive into Liselle’s journey, from university employee to CEO of her own company, Opti-Write!

Singapore Sling and the Freelance Hustle

Liselle started out in the familiar territory of a university job. But with wanderlust calling, she took a leap of faith and moved to Singapore. Talk about starting fresh! Unfortunately, finding work proved trickier than expected. To make ends meet, Liselle braved the freelance world, churning out newsletters and resumes. While Singapore wasn’t exactly the smoothest launchpad, it became a valuable lesson in resilience and resourcefulness.

Back Home, New Gig, Who Dis?

Missing familiar ground, Liselle returned to the Philippines. Life took another turn when she tied the knot and dipped back into the corporate world. But the entrepreneurial spirit wouldn’t be contained! Upwork gigs started popping up, and Liselle found a supportive community in The Freelance Movement Tribe. This is where things really took off! The freelance world offered the flexibility and freedom Liselle craved, and she dived headfirst into building her freelance career.

Liselle Flipphi Opti-Write Blooms: From Solo to Team CEO

Remember those Upwork gigs? Well, they blossomed into something much bigger! Liselle, along with her co-founder, turned their freelance hustle into a full-fledged company: Opti-Write. Now, they’re a thriving team, taking on exciting projects and growing their client base. It’s a testament to the power of hard work, community, and that never-give-up attitude!

Liselle Flipphi Journey: Inspiration for Pinoy Freelancers

Liselle’s story is an inspiration for Filipino freelancers everywhere. It shows that success isn’t always linear, and sometimes the biggest lessons come from unexpected detours. From venturing overseas to building a company, Liselle proves that with determination and a supportive network, you can turn your freelance dreams into a reality. So go forth, Pinoy freelancers, and conquer the online world!

Listen to more Freelance Stories on Freelancer of the Week

Liselle Flipphi is the CEO and Linkedin Content Strategist of Opti-Write