Former BPO Employee shares her story how she became a digital marketing agency owner | FoTW

Rishelle de Chavez is the CEO of RD Digital Services. A company dedicated to helping brands and businesses establish their digital footprint through effective internet marketing. Despite her background in Industrial Engineering, Rishelle pursued a unique career path that led her to the BPO industry. And from there eventually to online freelancing. Her journey from a corporate employee to a digital marketing agency owner is a testament to her determination, and vision.

From Industrial Engineering to the BPO Industry

Although Rishelle graduated with a degree in Industrial Engineering, she had an unconventional dream of working in the BPO industry. Driven by this aspiration, she secured a position as a BPO employee even before graduating. This early start in the corporate world allowed Rishelle to gain valuable experience. She used these insights into business operations and customer service. Her time in the BPO industry helped shape her professional skills and laid the foundation for her future endeavors in digital marketing.

Transition to Online Freelancing

After working in the BPO industry and other corporate roles for eight years, Rishelle decided to explore the world of online freelancing. This transition marked a significant shift in her career, allowing her to leverage her skills in a new and dynamic environment. Online freelancing provided Rishelle with the flexibility and opportunities to grow her expertise in digital marketing. Her ability to adapt to this new career path demonstrated her resilience and commitment to professional growth.

Rishelle de Chavez on Building RD Digital Services

Rishelle’s entrepreneurial spirit led her to establish RD Digital Services, a digital marketing agency focused on helping brands and business owners enhance their online visibility. Under her leadership, the agency has thrived in the competitive digital landscape, delivering exceptional results for clients. Rishelle’s team is dedicated to fulfilling their mission of growing their clients’ online presence through strategic internet marketing. Her success with RD Digital Services underscores the importance of innovation, hard work, and a customer-centric approach in building a successful business.

Insights into Rishelle de Chavez ‘s Personality and Success

Rishelle’s journey is not just about professional achievements but also about her personal growth and determination. Her story of transitioning from a BPO employee to a digital marketing agency owner highlights her resilience and ability to embrace change. Rishelle’s dedication to helping others succeed in the digital world is evident in her approach to business and client relationships. Her experiences and insights provide valuable lessons on what it takes to build and sustain a successful digital marketing agency.

In conclusion, Rishelle de Chavez’s evolution from an Industrial Engineering graduate to the CEO of RD Digital Services is an inspiring tale of adaptability and determination. Her success in helping brands and businesses establish their digital footprint reflects her expertise and commitment to excellence. Rishelle’s story offers valuable insights into the challenges and rewards of building a digital marketing agency, emphasizing the importance of resilience, innovation, and a customer-focused mindset. Her journey is a testament to the potential for success in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Listen to more Freelance Stories in the Freelancer of the Week Podcast

Rishelle de Chavez is the CEO of RD Digital Services, a company dedicated to helping brands and businesses establish their digital footprint through effective internet marketing